Thursday, September 08, 2022

Slim Jim Phantom - Thursday 8th September - O'Neills, Leytonstone

Brief review:  Off to Essex tonight and a bit off a pub crawl in Leytonstone - the undoubted highlight of which was The North Star with an excellent range of beers. Earlier, there was a very loud band on in Luna which highlighted the problem you get if one of the band is good (the lead guitarist), but the rest aren't (or at least don't know the songs). We grabbed the swiftest of halves whilst they murdered Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit".

Slim Jim had finished the large burger and chips we saw him eating when we picked up the tickets earlier in the evening and was playing the function room attached to the pub. In a 'T' Shirt and jeans, I had made nowhere near as much of an effort as most of the crowd in their rockabilly gear and fantastic hair styles.

The show was as you'd have hoped - lots of 50's/60's rocking covers and some Stray Cats classics. The always-excellent Darrell Higham was on lead guitar and there was impromptu guest spot from Jim Jones.  Marvellous!

Venue and View:  Front left on floor.

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